Dallas to Austin Deliveries: Don’t DIY

Dallas Courier, Dallas to Austin Couriers

Common misconception: Dallas Courier only makes Dallas/Fort Worth deliveries.

So our name is a bit of a misnomer, I admit. That’s why in today’s blog, I am bustin’ up the myth! Dallas Courier does more than local deliveries in Dallas. I can hear your thoughts now – huh, what, really!? Yes, yes, yes! We make all sorts of out of town deliveries – Dallas to Houston deliveries, Dallas to Austin deliveries, Dallas to Kansas City deliveries, Dallas to Oklahoma City deliveries – we do it all.

As a courier company, we get all sorts of delivery requests. Not surprisingly, clients often need things delivered long distances. If you need something delivered from Dallas to Austin, you don’t want to be making that trip during the work day. And yet, some people still do. What’s the value in using an out of town courier? Why should I pay someone to drive from Dallas to Austin to make a delivery when I or one of my coworkers can DIY (Do it Yourself)?

Great question, imaginary person!

I am here to answer that very question today. Why? Because people don’t completely understand the value of out of town couriers. They are incredibly useful for a variety of industries, from legal deliveries from Dallas to Austin to food deliveries from Dallas to Houston. Here is my list of reasons to outsource your out of town deliveries:

  • Driving time. Let’s imagine you are a law firm and need something highly confidential delivered to Austin by this evening. It’s currently 9:30 a.m. You think to yourself – ok, it’s only three hours. I will just send an employee right now to ensure it gets there. Better be smart! Your employee might be directionally challenged in Austin. He or she might be a highway traveler of 50 mph instead of the ideal 65 – 70 mph. Who knows what time your employee will arrive…

  • Costs. So you think that the courier cost is high, eh? Okay, how about his: let’s factor up the cost of sending your employee: their salary for the day (note that if they are driving to Austin, they aren’t doing the job you hired them for), gas, general car wear/tear, meals on the road (and yes, they will be getting the super size so factor that in too!), overtime if they get lost and take extra long getting home (or comp time – which may in fact be worse!), and goodness gracious, just imagine if they get in a wreck!

  • Stress. Face it, you will be overwhelmed with worry if your employee is out on the road. Wouldn’t it be nice to leave to professional drivers who have dispatch teams to support them through traffic and new towns? Ya, it would be!

Sure, your employees are great. But they are great at what they do. Ours are great at what they do. That’s why when it comes to out of town deliveries like Dallas to Austin deliveries, you should call the experts at Dallas Courier!


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