Dallas Courier, Safely Driving, Safely Arriving

Dallas Delivery

Dallas delivery service, Dallas Courier has an awesome fleet of drivers.

We believe in their work and trust their skills. Our top priority is getting your delivery where it needs to be in the safest manner possible. We make deliveries all over the Metroplex. That means we spend a LOT of time in our cars. Let’s talk safe driving.

Wrecks happen all day every day, and the statistics are frightening. Being a safe, smart driver protects not only you, but others on the road. Just yesterday, I was reading an article about bus driver who was distracted by his GPS. He consequently drove the bus into a bridge, killing four people. What a tragedy. Four precious lives were lost due to distraction.

Dallas Delivery

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2008 alone, 5,870 people died and more than a half-million were hurt in crashes caused my distracted drivers. What distracts us? The obvious ones come to mind: texting, phone calls, a GPS. Not so obvious: eating on the go, touching up your make-up, reading an email. If we all stop being distracted drivers, these 5,870 people would still be with us today.

Distracted driving includes the following three main types of distraction (NHTSA):

  1. Visual – taking your eyes off the road

  2. Manual – taking your hands off the wheel

  3. Cognitive – taking your mind off of driving

How many times have you arrived at your destination unable to even remember your drive? At some point, driving becomes so commonplace, we forget the danger it can cause. At Dallas Courier, we believe that safety is our first priority. We want to take care of ourselves and others on the road.

Let’s all keep in mind that driving distracted is only asking for trouble. That text message or phone call can wait, your life is at stake.

*Photos were taken in a parked car.


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