Dallas Food Delivery Team: Food ‘Round the World

Dallas Courier, Dallas Food Delivery

As Dallas food delivery and Dallas delivery route specialists, we believe in knowing our clients. Lucky for us, that means we need to eat food! What a fun way to know your clients. We love sushi since we deliver it; we love fruit because we deliver it; and we love to keep an open mind about food since we get new clients all of the time.

With plenty of our Dallas food delivery team members in and out of the office throughout the day, I’ve started thinking a lot about food. Isn’t it awesome how food around the world is so different? From the unique to the absolutely bizarre, let’s look around the world (in honor of our Dallas food delivery team!):

  • Haggis. This dish is traditionally from Scotland, and it may even make our Dallas food delivery team a bit squeamish. Take a sheep’s heart, liver and lungs and basically put them in a food processor. Then, take that puree and put it INSIDE the sheep’s stomach. Boil for a few hours and you’ve got yourself a hearty (pun intended) meal.

  • Bug Out. The last time I saw a cricket, I thought, man, wish I could fry that baby up and eat him! OK, I lie. But in some countries, eating bugs is everyday cuisine. If you’re ever in Thailand, you’re bound to get offered grasshoppers, scorpions and the like.

  • Oysters, Rocky-Mountain Style. Yumm-O! A buffalo’s testicles, deep fried and served up like chicken fingers.

  • Fugu. This poisonous little guy is commonly known as a Puffer Fish. And yes, they can be highly deadly. If you don’t know how to prepare it, you’ll be six feet under in no time.

  • Sannakji. Talk about fresh! You can thank Korea for this creation. Chop up live baby octopus and eat them while they are still wriggling. EEEEKKKK!

  • Squirrely! Squirrel brains – yes, please and thank you! Hailing from the southern states, this ‘delicacy’ makes me want to vomit.

  • Monkeyin’ Around. Monkey toes, that is. Fry ‘em up, eat ‘em like a turkey leg. Head to Indonesia for this treat.

  • Blood sausage. No guesses here – it’s just what it sounds like… NASTY. I have tried it and my final review: no, no, no, no, NO.

  • Dogs. Oh. My. Gosh. I can’t even handle thinking about this. So, I won’t.

  • Spray Cheese. It shouldn’t exist. It scares me.

I hope you made it through this list without losing your lunch, if you know what I mean. You can thank your Dallas food delivery team for the above gross-out foods.


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