Who We Are
Delivery experts. Logistics gurus. Friendly people.
About Us
Dallas Courier is about people. The people on our team, the people we pick-up from, the people we deliver to, the people we serve, the people we hope to serve - people, people, people.
People are why we have such high on-time rates. People are why we have had loyal customers for more than 40 years. We believe in integrity, honesty, and doing what we say. Accomplishing those tasks means we have always stayed up on the technology curve - from user-friendly websites to ease of order and even delivery tracking. It also means that we hold ourselves to a high standard of on time rates. We boast some of the highest on time rates in town for our same day deliveries and schedule route deliveries alike.
Ever notice Dallas Courier's slogan? "When Time Matters." In today's market, time always matters. We know this, and that's why we work to be the most efficient logistics provider in DFW, Texas and beyond. Time also matters when it comes to customer service. Our team is available 24/7/365. Yes, that means a live team member will answer the phone at 3:00 a.m. or whenever you happen to need us. Weekends, holidays, nighttime, rush hour. Time matters... all of the time.
Let Dallas Courier become your trusted logistics partner. We're where Texas friendliness meets professional service. Our uniformed couriers, expert dispatchers, and knowledgeable management team are excited to exceed your expectations.
Our Mission: Deliver
At Dallas Courier, we are focused on the end goal: a safe, successful delivery. Whatever the item, whatever the industry, wherever the destination, we want to deliver success from start to finish.
What we deliver:
On time logistics solutions. Whether you need something delivered within the hour or next week, we will make sure it happens.
Quality Service. 24/7/365 friendly customer service
Options. Choose your vehicle size (car, SUV, pick-up truck, refrigerated & dry van, refrigerated & dry straight truck), delivery time frame (1, 2, 3, 4 hour and schedule routes), order entry route (online, mobile app, phone), delivery specifications
Integrity. Our management team boasts 100+ years of logistics experience. They believe in honoring Jesus Christ, honesty and making decisions based on quality.
Protection. We are fully insured with “A” rated insurance carriers for your protection and confidence.