Dallas to Austin Couriers: An Impressive 3 Million Miles

Dallas Courier, Dallas to Austin Couriers

Downtown Dallas is approximately 200 miles from Downtown Austin. Therefore, a round trip is approximately 400 miles.

Now, knowing that rough calculation, what would you say if I told you the following: "I've driven to Austin and back to Dallas 7,500 times... IN THE SAME CAR."

What happens if I take that number, 7,500, and put it into miles. If you traveled from Dallas to Austin and back 7,500 times, you would have traveled 3,000,000 miles. Yes, you read that correctly: three million miles. That's a lot of ground to cover. Now remember, I said that the three million miles were all completed in the same car.

I bet you are starting to doubt me. That's not possible, right? Wrong! It is about to be accomplished by a very special driver. One car. Three million miles.

Now, the miles were not traveled between Dallas and Austin. I simply gave that as an example because of our out of town delivery team that handles Dallas to Austin deliveries quite frequently. Their first thought? That's a lot of miles. Is this some kind of miracle car that can handle 3 million miles?! Our Dallas to Houston deliveries team asked the same question along with our Dallas to Oklahoma deliveries team. It's simply too many miles for one car to travel. At least that was the initial thought for many of our couriers Dallas.

Well, it isn't too many miles. Let me give you the astounding facts:

  • His name is Irvin Gordon, and he is 72 year for $s old.

  • The amazing car is a 1966 Volvo P1800S. It is red (which is quite possibly my favorite part of this story. A red Volvo that travels 3 million miles. Does it get more iconic than that?).

  • I told you that the 3 million miles is like our Dallas to Austin couriers driving to Austin and back 7,500 times. Consider this, too - it's like driving across the globe 1,176 times. Heavenly day that's a lot of travel even according to courier services Dallas who travel all day long.

  • He has about 34,000 miles left to reach the three million mark. He will likely reach it in 2013.

  • He originally bought the car in 1966 for $4,150.00 (I kind of wish cars still cost that and inflation didn't exist!).

  • His trunk is full of car parts he might need while out and about. I guess when you've put 3 million miles on a car, you never know what's around the corner. I just hit 100,000 miles in my car and I got a little sad. It felt aged somehow. Reading about Irvin gives me a whole new perspective. I've for 2,900,000 to go. Wow.

  • He averages 85,000 to 100,000 miles per year thanks to a lot of road trips. I wouldn't mind hanging out with this guy. Come to think of it, I've never been to the Grand Canyon. Maybe I need to get a little inspired and take a road trip myself.

  • He is a little persnickety about his Volvo - as in no one else is allowed to drive it. Of course, I can understand this. Our couriers Dallas are all a bit persnickety about their vehicles. After all, their cars are their offices.

I just spoke to one of our premier on demand deliveries Dallas team members. I knew his truck had some miles on it. He is quite the mechanic and gives his car some serious TLC. I asked him how many miles it had. He answered, "290,000. Pretty unbelievable huh?" My response: "Have you heard of Irvin Gordon? He is about to hit 3 million miles on his Volvo." The courier's jaw just dropped.


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