Critical Medical Deliveries Dallas: Choose Dallas Courier

I spent the better part of yesterday in the ER – I’m fine, no worries there. Apparently the severe chest pain I was experiencing was inflamed lung tissue and most certainly NOT a heart attack. Phew, am I right?!  

While I was there, I had many, many thoughts related to healthcare services in DFW. And, no surprise, I had many, many thoughts about our faithful Dallas medical deliveries team – both our same day/rush deliveries team and scheduled route deliveries team.

Why would I think about them as I was laying in the CT machine, getting blood draws every 1.5 hours and undergoing EKG scans? Because couriers like the ones I know make places like I went to yesterday possible. Don’t believe me? Let’s check out just a few things our Dallas healthcare delivery couriers do, and you’ll see why you should choose us for all your medical deliveries and why we deeply matter to the medical industry:

-Specimen Deliveries in Dallas and Beyond: This matters so much! When you get that little strep test and the physician says “the initial results are negative but we are going to send the specimen off for the longer culture…” that means they need someone to do the picking up, the driving and the dropping off. And they need someone trustworthy, competent, careful and expertly trained in specimen transportation. This is something our team does every single day. Safely and expertly transporting specimens so the right labs get the right specimens at the right time, at the right temperatures. Kinda a big deal, right!?

-Medical equipment deliveries in Dallas. Looking around my room yesterday had me in awe at equipment needed for one person. If something breaks and a facility needs a fast delivery, we are at the ready. If a facility is overhauling and updating equipment, they need someone to safely transport the old and new equipment alike. We’ve got them covered both ways. This isn’t a ‘toss in the back of the truck’ delivery. Goodness no. Medical equipment deliveries require expertise and precision, that’s where we come in.

-Medical supplies deliveries in Dallas. Ever noticed the sheer number of medical supplies found in one hospital room? Gowns, blankets (those places are freezing), masks, gloves, tubing, sanitary covers for equipment, sheets, soaps and sanitizers, patient socks – the list could go on forever. Well, someone has to get those items to the facilities. That someone is us.

What a beautiful thing that we live in DFW. We have access to premier healthcare – top notch, the best. That wasn’t lost on me yesterday as I sat in a stand-alone ER that provided such excellent care. I was impressed by the level of service, something we North Texans have grown accustomed to.

Just remember at your next medical visit, there’s so much going on behind the scenes. And if you’re in the medical field and looking for an expert medical delivery service in DFW, you’ve come to the right place.


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