Spring Cleaning 101. Tips from Your Dallas Warehousing Team

Dallas Warehouse Storage and Delivery

As I was walking to get my mail the other day, I noticed something that brought a big smile to my face. There, nestled in my sleepy, brown St. Augustine was very surely a brilliant color: GREEN. St Augustine green has to be my favorite shade of green. It’s bright, joyful and fresh. It seems to cheerfully say to all its onlookers… hello, happy!

Seeing those first few green blades of grass pop up across my yard, in the parks and at my kids’ school brings me lots of joy and anticipation.


In my humble opinion, spring is simply the best time of year. It’s bursting with life and newness. We are just a few weeks away from the local pear trees bursting with white little flowers. The trees along my daily drive turn bright purple, almost magenta. The sounds of birds chirping fills the air. You see, there’s truly nothing better than spring.

With the beauty of spring also comes that overwhelming sense of “I MUST CLEAN!!!!” It’s a good feeling, in my opinion. The season changing gives us a desire to tidy up, prepare for a new day. I figured there were no better people to share tips on Spring Cleaning than our Dallas Warehousing team. After all, they are orderly, efficient and expert at keeping things tidy and clean. So from there world to yours, here are their tips for your upcoming Spring Clean:

  1. Have a method. Any good organizer knows that having a plan is critical. You can’t just pull everything out of every closet and drawer in the home. Start in one closet, one drawer and work your way around. Stay focused. If you’re committing to the office closet, do it start to finish and don’t hop like a bunny to lots of different tasks.

  2. Safe and secure. Our Dallas warehouse storage team is laser focused on security and safety. We store critical items for many different clients. Safety is our top priority. So no list is complete without it!

  3. Know where your stuff is. Dallas Courier offers warehousing and pick and pack services for our clients, so we know a thing or two about the importance of knowing where your stuff is. Keep things organized logically, like items go together. Don’t go putting batteries in a bathroom closet or a kitchen item in the laundry room. Make it make sense!

  4. Make it easy to grab. I have a closet that I must tackle this spring. It’s a bear that is overcrowded. My warehousing friends have given me the best tip of all: make items easily accessible. If things are stacked awkwardly or placed in multiple layers – you can’t reach them! Because we offer Dallas storage and fulfillment, we know that easy access makes all the difference.

  5. Get rid of excess, keep only what you need. If you don’t use it, let it go. That is all.

From our Dallas warehouse and delivery services team to you – good luck with the Spring Clean!


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