You Manufacture the Parts, We’ll Pick Up the Pieces

The North Texas region is a desirable location for business for a multitude of reasons. Our friendly vernacular (hey all y’all!). Our centralized location between the coasts. No corporate or individual income tax. The deep talent pool from which businesses have to pull.


It’s no wonder Texas is ranked number one as the best place to start a business in the United States! The Lone Star State also boasts the 9th largest economy in the world and is home to over 50 Fortune 500 companies. Of those companies, 24 of them have headquarters right here in North Texas.


Many of these organizations are, at least in part, dedicated to manufacturing. Here in North Texas, the manufacturing industry ranks second in economic activity. That means we have more folks than ever making the parts- but who picks up the pieces?




Have you ever wondered: Who picks up those parts and transports them?


Dallas Courier Service provides manufacturing deliveries to clients across the Metroplex and across the country. If you’re in the business of creating technology, food, transportation, or anything else that requires industrial production, Dallas Courier can transport it.


See what benefits our couriers have to offer the second largest industry in North Texas:



Experienced Dallas Couriers with Diverse Skills

Manufacturing in the North Texas region encompasses everything from textiles to technology. Here in DFW, we’re a hotbed for aerospace manufacturing, food products, chemical manufacturing, computer parts, and even defense security manufacturing. In order to successfully transport these products, a courier must be trained in a variety of skills.


Eagle Express has been in the transportation business for nearly four decades. We have the experience and longevity to transport anything manufactured here in DFW. Our drivers have the strength and skill to move everything from pallets of heavy machinery to highly secure computer chips. We’ve seen it all. Not only that, but we’ve transported it all!



Delivery Between Locations

Manufacturing assembly lines often require transporting supplies, parts, or completed products from one location to another. Couriers in Dallas can be extremely useful for scheduled manufacturing deliveries, keeping your processes moving smoothly from inception to the hands of your waiting customers.


Interoffice delivery options include daily, weekly, or biweekly deliveries, as well as multiple deliveries within the same day. At Dallas Courier, you can rest assured that your driver will be on time and capable. You’ll get to know your delivery professional, and you’ll see why we consider our clients to be a part of our family.



24/7 Warehouse Storage and Fulfillment

Your manufacturing organization doesn’t have rest days. 24/7 operations are standard procedure. We can keep up! Our couriers are available to transport your items 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even better, we can transport your items to our centrally located on-site warehouse. There, utilizing state of the art inventory management technology, you can keep up with your items, know your current stock in real time, and control your inventory from afar. When you need your items to move, we’ll pick, scan, pack, and send your items on their way with tracking tools to monitor your items from start to finish. If your cargo needs a little TLC while in the warehouse in terms of temperature control or added security, we’re happy to oblige. As your 3PL partner for manufacturing items, Dallas Courier works on your schedule.


Individualized Delivery Plans for Each Customer

If there’s one thing we’ve learned from nearly 40 years of transportation and logistics service, it’s that every delivery is different. Manufacturing organizations, especially, have individual requirements and needs that just can’t be met by a menu of services. Dallas Courier works with our customers to create an individualized plan of service for each client.


For example, some of our clients request that our drivers go through additional background checks and security training. We’re on board with that! Other clients request custom reports sent directly from our President. He’s more than willing to send that their way! Efficient, secure deliveries look different for every client, and Dallas Courier is the team you can trust to work with you to ensure your delivery goes exactly as planned.


You manufacture the parts, and we’ll pick up the pieces. Literally.

We’ll pick them up and move them to our secure warehouse for storage or to their next step in the supply chain. If you’re a part of the manufacturing industry in North Texas, you can’t go without a qualified transportation team.


Dallas Courier has been integral in moving the pieces of aerospace, technology, and chemical manufacturing for four decades. If you’re in the business of making the pieces, we’re here to pick them up and deliver! Contact us any time, day or night, to get your next delivery on the go in as little as 45 minutes.  


Here’s How We’re Keeping You and Your Scheduled Deliveries Safe in 2021


A Customized Medical Delivery Moves Your Cargo Your Way