The 7 Strangest Things Dallas Couriers Have Been Asked to Deliver (No One Expects #4)

Nobody likes to kiss and tell. In this business, nobody likes to courier and tell!


Our Dallas Courier clients are like family, which means we keep their information secure and their manifests proprietary. As long as your delivery follows the letter of the law, you won’t find us saying another word about it! Instead, we’ll share with you some of the strangest things other couriers have had to deliver over the last several decades. (And you won’t believe #4!)


  1. Live Animals- To this very day, couriers around the world transport live animals for a number of reasons. Whether they’re used as food for humans or other animals, or they just need a new home, couriers with the right licensing and tools can transport animals to just about anywhere.

  2. Live Viruses- These days, we’re all pretty aware that anybody can be a courier for a live virus (Especially now! Thanks Omicron!) But couriers who are HIPAA and OSHA certified also transport live viruses… on purpose! Transporting lab samples is an incredibly important and time sensitive job. Couriers like Dallas Courier Service play an important role in advancing medicine.

  3. Antiques and Artifacts- It doesn’t seem so odd to consider transporting old stuff, but when you’re talking about items that have been around for thousands of years- like dinosaur bones, mummies, or Tutankhamun’s treasures-it seems a little stranger to consider holding such priceless pieces in your own hands. Not to mention, the care and coordination that goes into properly packaging those items and keeping temperature and humidity consistent in the vehicle during transport. No wonder folks hire a professional!

  4. Humans- Before you get too excited, this example was from over 150 years ago. A young man who lived in a state that allowed slavery packed himself up with some provisions and shipped himself North. By the grace of God, Henry Brown arrived 27 hours later in one piece and had shipped his way to freedom.

  5. A Potato- It’s not uncommon for couriers to transport food. Pallets of potatoes wouldn’t be so shocking, even if they were moving from Idaho to South Florida. Not so strange! But a single potato? Recently, folks have been sending a single potato with a greeting on it in lieu of a card. I mean, at least you can eat the potato when you’re done with it.


Our Dallas Courier team might not have had anything this strange to transport around North Texas or outside the Metroplex, but we’ve had our fair share of special requests. Thankfully, we’re professionals. We offer the right amount of transparency for our clients while remaining tight lipped about the cargo at hand.


You can trust Dallas Courier Service to transport just about anything- with speed, accuracy, and, of course, discreetness. There’s no delivery too strange for a DC expert to transport. If you have a specialized delivery, we have the tools to transport it. From refrigerated vans and trucks, to the proper packaging, to the licensed professionals to move the loads.


Dallas Courier delivers it all- strange or common!


Have a delivery concept you’d like to run by us? Send it our way for a free quote. If you don’t have time to spare, give us a call now at 972-989-4432. Our couriers are standing by 24/7 to move product in as little as 45 minutes.


Strange, special, atypical- bring all your cargo to Dallas Courier!


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