So You Wanna Be an Independent Contract Courier…

Dallas Independent Couriers

All the couriers…who independent…throw your hands up at me!

OK- so maybe those aren’t exactly the lyrics Beyoncé had in mind, but I couldn’t resist!

If you’re in the market for a stable, great paying job, becoming an independent contract courier in Dallas just might be the answer you’re looking for.

Our Dallas Courier team is always on the lookout for motivated, hard working individuals with their own mode of transportation to join us in serving the Metroplex.

If you’re thinking that a courier job might be right for you, here’s what you need to know about becoming and independent contract courier:

Before you start

If you’re considering becoming a contract courier, you can expect a few things:

For starters, you’ll need your own ride. Preferably an SUV, van, or covered truck, as these will be most beneficial when carrying large loads.

Secondly, you’ll need some insurance. Vehicle insurance is a must, but liability and other insurance is necessary, too. Ask us for details.

Finally, you’ll need to have a clean driving record. This shows us you’re reliable and safe, which are two major characteristics of our Dallas couriers.

Customer Service

Once you have all the legal and primary requirements, you have to be sure you can meet the expectations of your customers.

You’ll need to be able to lift, load, and carry while keeping a smile on your face. Couriers are here to serve.

Excellent people skills and a customer service oriented attitude are necessary to be an independent contract courier or a part of Dallas Courier’s full time crew.

Remember: You’re not only the face of Dallas Courier, you’re the front line customer service for the customers receiving deliveries.


As with all new gigs, there will be some training involved, but learning is a good thing!

In order to handle:

Medical supplies

Organ deliveries

Food transport

Or other special cases, some advanced training will be necessary. It’s important for us, and for you, to maintain OSHA and FDA standards for our customers.


If you’re not what you would call “technologically savvy”, that’s ok! We’ll show you how it’s done. Our couriers are equipped with state of the art logistics systems that enable our customers to know where their product is at all times.

You’ll be fitted with GPS to get you where you need to go quickly, as well as software and in-vehicle systems to manage the delivery and turnover of the product you’re carrying.

Tax deductions

As a courier, you’ll get to take quite a bit of your money back from Uncle Sam when tax time rolls around.

As an independent contractor, you’re entitled to deduct expenses related to the cost of doing work. This includes gas, maintenance, and even meals.

OR you can take the flat rate deduction of $0.505 per mile, which, if you’re going long distances as a courier, can be a pretty significant deduction!


Probably one of the greatest benefits of being an independent contract courier is the time with just you and the open road.

Now, I don’t know about you, but if I got PAID to listen to a book on tape in the comfort of my own vehicle instead of whatever sing-songy CD I’ve heard 3,000 times that plays while my family is in the car, I’d be having a much happier work day!

Forget the constraints of a cubicle or a traditional 9-5. Independent contract couriers get me-time and then some.

If you are looking to become an independent contract carrier, give Dallas Courier a call to find out all the details. Head to our website for further information and for a chance to chat with our professionals about the future of your independent business opportunities.


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