Rush Deliveries Dallas: Hello, 2024 Olympics!

Do you feel it? Something new is riding on the wind today. It sounds like adventure, magic, anticipation and possibility. What is this magical wind? THE SUMMER 2024 OLYMPICS, OF COURSE!

I don’t say the above statement facetiously. I’m not being over-the-top or grandiose. Quite the opposite in fact. This belief that the Olympics hold some sort of magical air is real. And why do I think that? Because I’ve lived it. My belief grew not from being a participant, a gold medal winner or even making it to qualifiers. My belief is rooted in simply being a spectator… from a television.

It sounds silly to hold the Olympics in such high regard, and yet, every two years, I find myself holding it high. Here’s why:

·         You can almost tangibly feel the collective joining of the Olympics. People of all job types, socioeconomic statuses, religions, political leanings – they all join together to cheer on the USA. It is a powerful agent in bringing us together, even the most divided.

·         Hope spills out of the TV with every event. The personal stories have to be my favorite – seeing where these athletes have come from and the extreme efforts they gave to put themselves at the top of their field. And there is no recipe… except DETERMINATION. I love that spilling out of every event, there seems an air of hope that every viewer gets to absorb.

·         It opens up the door of possibility for children. When I was a kid, I watched Kerri Strug shockingly propel the USA to gold in the 1996 Olympics. From that moment on, I was hooked. Kerri, like so many other Olympians, was fighter – an overcomer – a go-getter – an inspiration for all who watched her fearlessly battle through a devastating injury. She proved… it is possible to keep going in life. Yes, things will be challenging, but the task in the challenge is to defy the urge to quit and to fight through the obstacle.

This list could go on and on. For two weeks, the Olympics does something to our national camaraderie that not much else can. It connects us as we all eagerly watch the medal count, pulling for USA in every event.

So how does this all relate to a courier blog? Well, we are a mere microcosm of our country at large. The Olympics does for Dallas Courier the very same thing it does for our clients, for the people we drive by on the road, for potential customers and more. It joins us, it motivates us, it excites us. It should be no surprise that we are also in it for…

1.       The SPEED. Day in and day out we handle same day rush deliveries in Dallas. Our work inherently demands that we move QUICK! It’s in our blood to love the hurdles, the 100 meter dash, the quick swims, the rowing, the cycling and even that speed walking event that has gained popularity over the years.

2.       The Teamwork. Our same day rush deliveries Dallas/Fort Worth team lives and dies by teamwork. Someone is fielding the delivery order, dispatch assigns it, the driver receives it and completes the route, customer service completes it, accounting brings us home. There are many moving parts that make up our team, most of which remain unseen by clients. The behind the scenes people propel our team to victory. That’s why you can bet that we are tuning in to all the team sports – basketball, rowing, synchronized swimming, soccer, track relays, swimming relays and more.

3.       The national pride. Watching the tears streaming down faces as champions are adorned with their medals – what could get better than that? When the USA takes gold, there’s nothing I love more than our national anthem blaring, hands over hearts, emotion pulsing through not only the champion but also every spectator.  The national pride gets me every time. And that’s how I feel about Dallas Courier. I’ve worked here since 2010. My pride in our team, our leadership, our care of customers and our never-pass-the-buck mentality can quite easily make me tear up. It makes my job enjoyable day in and day out.

I hope you’re as excited as we are about the Olympics. Tune in today to the Opening Ceremonies – you know we will be!


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