Needing Dallas storage and warehousing? Why you should choose us.

What we do is literally in our name: Dallas Courier. If you’ve had zero interaction with our company, and you see our name written somewhere, you can nearly immediately get an idea of who we are and what we do.

DALLAS COURIER. What do you know just by our name?

  • Based in Dallas, Texas

  • Operates in Dallas, Texas

  • Handles deliveries in North Texas

  • Employs couriers

  • Is logistics-based

Shakespeare asked “what’s in a name?” Well, in our case, lots. You can infer plenty by simply knowing our name. But a name doesn’t sum up everything. There are certain things distinctly NOT in a name. And that’s what I’m highlighting today. People assume immediately that couriers handle small deliveries. But here’s what we also do:

1.       Large-scale logistics solutions. We plan and execute DFW route deliveries and Dallas same day on demand deliveries for Fortune 500 corporations and small businesses alike. Some routes are daily, others are bi-weekly, others are monthly. Whatever the need, we create a tailored logistics solution that works.

2.       Dallas Refrigerated deliveries. Yes, we do! When you think Dallas Courier, you need to start thinking reefer solutions. We deliver food, medical items and pharmaceuticals that require specific temps, from frozen to refrigerated and ambient and everything in between.

3.       DFW out of town deliveries. Sure, our name is DALLAS Courier. But, we certainly aren’t bound by only our home city. We travel to all the cities and towns around us, and we don’t stop there. We handle out of state deliveries to places like Louisiana and Oklahoma as well as out of country deliveries to Mexico. See… not just Dallas-based!

4.       Dallas warehousing and storage. And here is where I want to spend the remainder of our blog post. Allow me?

Dallas Courier has long-offered secure, reliable and safe Dallas warehousing and storage solutions for our clients. Many years ago we identified a critical need for many of our clients: they not only needed items delivered, they also needed places to securely store those items prior to delivery and in some cases, mid-delivery as a halfway point between locations.

When you choose Dallas Courier as your trusted delivery partner, you choose great customer service. You aren’t just a number You’re a client that we care about and we listen to your needs. That very listening is why we introduced our Dallas warehouse and storage service. Our clients needed it! And as work-from-home gained traction, office spaces became smaller and the need for warehousing continued to increase.

From the small idea of “how about we provide the warehousing place for our clients” to our current warehouse space, you’ll see that we put ideas into action. Our warehouse and warehousing crew is proof of that truth.

Come and see for yourself. We welcome you to walk our warehouse, see first-hand how our operations go day in and day out. Our trained forklift operators handle every item with the utmost care. You have 24/7 access to your items because we are a 24/7/365 company.

Dallas Courier is our name but our game doesn’t just stop at deliveries. Choose us. You’ll be glad you did.


Buyer BEWARE! Being a smart consumer with Dallas on demand deliveries.


On Demand Couriers in Dallas: Your Items, Our Top Priority