Making Your Own Interoffice Deliveries? We’re Not Ok With It

Dallas Courier, Interoffice Deliveries

We heard a dirty rumor. One that we’d hate to repeat, for fear of spreading misinformation and fake news. But…here goes nothing!


We heard that some businesses, even large conglomerates, are making their own interoffice deliveries.


What?! We know! Mind blown! Because anyone who has any type of a logistics plan knows that taking the time and energy to make your own deliveries between your office locations is a colossal waste of resources and an unnecessary hazard. We don’t want to embarrass you, but if you’re of the mindset that making your own interoffice deliveries is an acceptable logistics plan, we’re here to change your mind.


The next time you’re faced with the decision regarding interoffice deliveries between locations here in North Texas, or even outside of our region, you’ll be armed with the facts. Get ready, because we’re dropping some knowledge.


Truth #1: Your employees cannot transport your items.

You trust your employees, of course, but they aren’t hired transportation professionals. Why use them as such? A study out of the University of California, Irvine concluded that with each distraction, it takes around 25 minutes for people to return to their original task. That’s valuable time lost each day on top of the time it takes to actually transport deliveries.


Not only is time valuable, but you’re also taking a risk by having employees transport items. On a basic level, your cargo might be damaged, or your employees could be involved in an accident resulting in workers comp claims. Your company could face fines for having uncertified handlers, or your proprietary items or information could be compromised during transport.


Having your employees transport your items carries more risks than you should be willing to accept.


Truth #2: You need dependable, reliable route schedules.

Here’s a thought- your business probably does something really great. Maybe you’re building aerospace defense parts. Perhaps you’re moving ingredients to bakeries or apparel to stores across DFW. What you probably don’t do is create dependable, streamlined routes.


We do!


Whether you’re moving items multiple times a day or just a few items each month, all it takes is a one-time delivery set up with Dallas Courier, and you can consider your scheduled deliveries on the books. Our expert logistics planning crew will create a customized route to and from your given locations, and, after a few simple pieces of information from you, we’ll ensure your scheduled route goes off without a hitch each and every time.


Have changes to make to your route? Our team is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In most cases, we can accommodate your changes even if they’re made in route.



Truth #3: Dallas Courier also transports Lab Specimen Deliveries.

Some DFW customers might think their items are too specialized or important to leave to a third party delivery company. That is true. Items like medical specimens and lab results are too important to leave to just any 3PL provider.


If you have lab specimen deliveries to transport between doctors’ offices or laboratories on a consistent basis, you need a qualified professional that’s certified to transport healthcare items. HIPAA, OSHA, and HazMat training are just a few of the qualifications your courier should possess. Failure to hire a trained and certified professional could result in fines, imprisonment, or, worst case scenario, improper handling that compromises the safety of your patient.


Dallas Courier transports lab specimen deliveries on a routine basis for clients across the Metroplex and the United States. From blood samples to vaccines, live organs to patient records, Dallas Courier has the right team and vehicle for your interoffice healthcare deliveries.



If you’re making your own interoffice deliveries, we just have to put our foot down! Stop! This is a costly, unnecessary task that your organization has taken upon itself. Leave your daily, weekly, or biweekly routes to the professionals at Dallas Courier.

Contact us here on our website, or, for immediate assistance, call us at 972-680-8000 for deliveries in 45 minutes or less.


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