What You Get (And What You Don’t) From Every Dallas Courier Service

By nature, we’re bent to think: “What’s in it for me?” This isn’t a bad question. It’s good to know what you’re getting before you commit to something. But sometimes what you don’t get is just as important.


If you’re considering utilizing Dallas Courier for your on demand and scheduled transportation needs, you’ll want to know exactly what you get- and what you DON’T get- with every Dallas Courier Service.


You Get: Trained, hand-selected professionals.

The Dallas Courier team is comprised of employees- many of whom have been here for decades- and independent contractors who are hand selected for excellence in areas such as safety, skill, and training. When you work with Dallas Courier, you can count on working with a professional who knows the ins and outs of DFW, as well as the intricacies of moving sensitive cargo such as medical specimens and food items.

You Don’t Get: Someone who downloaded an app and passed a safety check.

Nowadays, anyone can be a courier. Except…they really can’t! If you’re working with a company who lets anyone with an app deliver your important cargo, you’re taking a risk. At Dallas Courier, we’re picky with who we let drive for us. Even our independent contractors have been thoroughly vetted and trained.


You Get: A competitively priced service.

Dallas Courier service offers accurate quotes and fair prices on the services you need. We don’t package deals together unless they’re curated by us for you. Our services are competitively priced, but delivered with superior precision and care. You can also count on accurate quotes for service. When we say we’ll do something, we do it. No bait and switch. No unpleasant surprises.

You Don’t Get: The lowest bidder.

It’s true, you won’t find our Dallas Courier services to be the cheapest around. But, to be honest, you wouldn’t want them to be. We offer competitively priced services, because we pay our drivers well. We find that content drivers are drivers who strive for excellence. We also maintain our vehicles and utilize advanced technology. Oftentimes, the lowest bidder can offer these prices because they’re selling someone or something short. This can lead to broken down vehicles or disgruntled drivers who fail to deliver on time and in good condition.


You Get: One carrier, from start to finish.

When Dallas Courier takes responsibility for your delivery, we keep your cargo on a short chain. Our drivers are hand-selected and trained in diverse areas such as Food Safety, medical transportation, HazMat, and other areas. Our vehicles are expertly maintained, and we keep a variety of vehicles in our fleet, including refrigerated vans and trucks. We have what it takes to move your cargo, whatever it is you’re moving.

You Don’t Get: Handoffs or consolidation.

We’re so confident in our abilities, there’s no need to hand off your cargo to a third party. In fact, we’d never even dream of it! We believe in finishing what we start. When you trust Dallas Courier with your delivery, you can bet on the fact that we’ll handle your load from start to finish. No hand offs. No consolidation. Just fast, direct service of your cargo- and your cargo only.


You Get: Responsible business practices.

Dallas Courier was founded over 40 years ago on the basic principles of honesty and integrity. Our leadership boasts over 150 years of combined experience in best practices of running a transportation and logistics operation. The Dallas Courier team vows to keep our principles, no matter how successful we become. We vow to provide accurate quotes, sanitized vehicles, and responsible insurance policies for peace of mind.

You Don’t Get: Lame excuses.

Not here. Not ever. When Dallas Courier is your transport team, you can bet that we’ll be on time, every time. If an unforeseen event were to occur, we make responsible reparations. The beauty of keeping all our operations in-house means we’re all on the same page. While we never plan for problems, we’re prepared to mitigate concerns as they arise.

With Dallas Courier Service, you get exactly what you want, and none of the things you don’t.


Each of our transportation and logistics plans are uniquely catered to the client we’re serving. There’s no set menu of services here! Just organized, dedicated logistics that suits your business to a T.

Ready to learn more? Contact us today! We think you’ll love what you get when you partner with Dallas Courier.


To go local or not to go local? That is the question.


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