Urgent Medical Couriers Deliver Tips for a Healthier Workplace

Healthcare in Dallas Fort Worth is big business. In fact, it accounts for $52 billion annually and 15% of all economic earnings in the Metroplex. But, as most healthcare providers will insist, it’s not about the money or the clout. It’s about serving patients well.


At Dallas Courier, we believe in that sentiment. As Dallas Fort Worth’s #1 urgent medical courier, we serve our clients with excellence because we know we’re actually serving cancer patients, new moms, and children who need care. When we take on same day healthcare deliveries and hot shot medical transportation, we’re moving lifesaving organs, time sensitive specimens, and prescription drugs that will keep patients alive and healthy.


As we serve healthcare clients in Dallas Fort Worth, the health of our neighbors and fellow Texans is always on our hearts.


Today, as we deliver time sensitive medical items on the roads, we’re delivering a different kind of care here on our blog. Just as our urgent medical couriers are fast, here are some fast tips for maintaining your health, even while you’re putting in 40+ hours a week at the office.


Here are 5 fast ways to improve your health while you’re on the job:


1)Pack your lunch- 

The average fast food meal can run you over $10 and cost you over 1,000 calories! Please, for your financial and physical well-being, pack your own lunch! Don’t forget to include some healthy snacks, too. Eating every few hours keeps your blood sugar stable, helps you to stay chill during stressful situations, and helps you avoid overeating when it comes time to eat.



2) Take exercise “snack” breaks-

Speaking of snacks, did you know there’s another type of snack you should be enjoying each day? Exercise “snacks” and short, 5-10 minute breaks for exercise. The average adult needs 150 minutes of vigorous exercise per week, but experts say how you break that up doesn’t really matter. Consider taking a 5 minute walk every half hour. When we sit crouched over a computer screen all day, it affects our posture, mood, and overall health. So set your timer, get up, and move! Studies show just a few minutes every half hour can significantly lower blood sugar and blood pressure.


3) Disinfect your space- 

It’s tough to stay healthy at work when you’re surrounding by So. Many. Germs. WebMD suggests that there are 10 million bacteria on a typical work desk. That’s 400 times more than what’s on the average toilet seat. Yeah. Gross. That’s because we often fail to clean our workspace. Consider wiping down your desk, monitor, screen, phone, and keyboard once a day with alcohol cleansing wipes. These are generally safe for electronics when used properly.


4) Manage stress-

Stress is going to happen, but there are ways to lessen the effects. To start with, minimize the caffeine. One or two trips to the coffee station are all you need for the whole day. Too much caffeine can activate cortisol- the stress hormone- and lead to increased tension. It also helps to take breaks when you need to. Think of that five minute walk as a mental break, as well as exercise. Lastly, know when it’s time to shut off. If you can help it, turn off the work phone, put the ”away” notice on your email, and check out when it’s time to check out.


5) Take your vacation time-

Our last tip for improved health while you’re on the job? Take time off the job! Experts say it takes at least 7 days to really relax. Take your long vacation time and fully leave the workplace behind for at least a week. Last year, 55% of paid time off went to waste. That’s an average of 9.5 days per person. You owe it to yourself to take time away from the office. Stay healthy by taking the time you earned to prioritize you!


The urgent medical courier team at Dallas Courier Service recognizes the importance of a healthy workplace.


Our drivers are on the go 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our dispatch team is answering calls, planning routes, and providing honest and accurate quotes at all hours of the day and night. The Dallas Courier team knows that work is a place you spend a lot of your time, so why not make it a space that contributes to your overall health?


Deliver these healthy habits to your workspace, and reap the benefits of improved diet, exercise, and mental health.


How do you stay healthy while staying on the job? Let us know your tips for a healthier workspace. Find us on social and let us know.


Here’s to a happy, healthy start to 2023!


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