The True Cost of a Low Cost Dallas Delivery Company

Dallas Courier, Dallas Delivery Company

As DFW organizations seek out a Dallas delivery company to assist with their transportation and logistics processes, there are many traits they consider. One of the most common assessment tools is cost.

We get it.

You want a courier that can get the job done, but won’t cost you an arm and a leg. It makes sense for your bottom line. But what doesn’t make sense for your bottom line is when your “good deal” turns into a total lemon.

Sometimes the true cost of low cost is more than you’re willing to pay.

When you set price as your short term focus, you’re risking exponential loss in the long run.

Here are some true costs to consider as you seek out a Dallas delivery company-

Undelivered items:

There are many reasons items go undelivered. It could be because of an inaccurate GPS system sending your Dallas delivery company to the wrong address. It could be that your courier provided an inaccurate delivery window and missed the recipient. Maybe your courier left the items at a front desk, but didn’t quite get the items into the hands of your customers. Whatever the reason, undelivered items are costly. It could cause monetary reparations or even lost business.

Damaged goods:

Sensitive items like medications or food require a little TLC and a little more cost. If your Dallas delivery company is cutting costs by hastily handling items, you could be stuck with the cost of replacing damaged goods for your clients. Improper handling or adherence to specific transportation instructions, such as temperature control or packaging could result in damaged goods.


Did you know that some items have transportation regulations that are set by the federal government? HIPAA, OSHA, and HazMat standards have to be upheld, or your business could be fined, or, even worse, employees could be imprisoned! Proper training in these standards can be costly, but a great Dallas delivery company knows the time and money put into training their drivers is not only preferred, it’s the law.

Questionable drivers:

Transportation in DFW is a craft and a skill that not everyone possesses. Licensed and certified drivers who carry proper insurance can be difficult to come by. That’s why a great Dallas delivery company will take the time to vet their drivers and compensate them for their time and skills. Skimping on either of these tasks could lead to less-than-honest operators, and might even result in theft of your goods. 

Time and money on future logistics:

Finding the right Dallas delivery company takes time, which, as we know, costs money. If you make a hasty decision based on cost alone, chances are you’ll be left unhappy. This means the next time you require a delivery, you’re back at square one. Wouldn’t it be nice to put in the work just once, find the right courier for your business, and keep them for all your transportation and logistics operations?

Can you afford the true cost of low cost?

Saving money by trusting your time and temperature sensitive items to the lowest bidder isn’t the right way to invest in your business’s future. Instead, do your research and select a Dallas delivery company that offers fair prices for great work.

Here at Dallas Courier, we pride ourselves in offering superior service for a great price. Thanks to our case-by-case pricing system, you’ll never pay for more than you need. We work with each one of our clients to create a unique transportation plan that meets their individual needs.

Will you find the lowest prices with Dallas Courier? You won’t. But what you will find is five star service and a job done well the first time, every time. Quality counts!  Contact us today to find out more.


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