The New Dallas Courier Delivery App Makes DFW Logistics Simple

Dallas Courier service has been simplifying the DFW logistics process for nearly 40 years. In that time, we’ve learned that some oldies are goodies. For example, our commitment to honesty and integrity in our business practices has been a long standing trait of our organization. Through the years and even decades, this is something we absolutely refuse to let go. We believe that no matter how competitive or dog-eat-dog the logistics industry in DFW gets, the Dallas Courier team will always be known for putting service first.


Four decades of service in this business, though, has also given us a chance to learn and grow. We’re always looking for ways to make our customer experience better, and that’s exactly what we’ve done with our new Dallas Courier app- Eagle Express.


Named for a swift, noble symbol of American pride, the Eagle Express app showcases some of Dallas Courier’s best traits. Want to know more about how easy it is to manage your DFW logistics from your smart phone?

Here are a few of our favorite features on the NEW Eagle Express app:


Streamlined Logistics  

Get quotes, review past deliveries, and schedule new ones- all from your smart phone. Just like our Dallas Courier team helps you streamline your logistics as a one-stop-shop, our app will provide an all-encompassing place to manage your logistics, as well.

One of the best aspects of the new app is the “Favorites” section. The Eagle Express app saves your repeat orders in an address book, making it super simple to select deliveries from past orders. Whether you’re repeating an order in its entirety, or just need a few aspects from a past delivery, the app saves your input information for a quick, easy scheduling process.


Specific and Clear Information

This app is so easy to use, even your grandma could do it! With simple, easy to understand icons and a personalized home screen, this app is ready to use from the get-go. But don’t be fooled! There’s a lot of info to be found.


If you’re looking for detailed information regarding your current delivery or past deliveries, the Eagle Express app has that, as well. With a few swipes, you can know just about anything regarding your delivery, including:

  • real time location of your driver on a map

  • delivery specs such as vehicle type, weight, and number of items

  • time of pick up and delivery

  • special instructions associated with the cargo

In an information age, this app keeps you in-the-know from start to finish.


24/7 Assistance

It’s true that the Eagle Express app has just about all the info you’ll need regarding your delivery. View in real-time the status and progress of your items, to include a birds-eye view on the map thanks to GPS and state of the art logistics tracking technology.

But, let’s say you wanted just a little more info. Or, perhaps you have a sudden change of plans. Thankfully, our team of experts is available to you with the same hours as our app- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, weekends, holidays, and every day in between. See, while our app makes it easier than ever to manage your DFW logistics 24/7, we realize that awesome technology is no substitute for fantastic customer care from a real life human.

So whether you’re happy to manage your DFW logistics on your own time via the app, or you want a little TLC from a real live human, Dallas Courier offers it all.

The all new Dallas Courier delivery app is available NOW on the Google Play or Apple App store. To get more info about Eagle Express, head here. It’s free to download and easy to use. Don’t wait, download it today to manage your logistics on the go! 


Have Car, Will Courier


What Sets Dallas Courier Apart from Other Couriers in DFW?