Small Business Saturday is for Local Courier Services

The Thanksgiving Holiday is here!


Many Texans are enjoying the entire week off of work and school to prepare our hearts, and our tables, to feast together to kick off a season of thanks on Thursday. Oh, and to watch football. Of course, there will be football! Not to worry, though! Dallas Courier Service will be working hard through the holiday, delivering everything from apparel to pies, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


But, as many of us know, as soon as the turkey and dressing are cleared, maybe even before they’re cleared, we have something else on our minds: Christmas shopping.


For nearly fifty years, Black Friday, as it’s now called, has infiltrated our Thanksgiving holiday, pulling our focus from the dinner table to lines outside of stores and quick-fingered online shopping carts. It’s tough to pass up those prices, especially in an economy such as this!


But there is another option. One that is even more beneficial than saving a few bucks and spoiling the evening pumpkin pie routine. Saturday, November 27 is Small Business Saturday.


What is Small Business Saturday?

Over 10 years ago, American Express launched a campaign to encourage folks to keep it local and shop small. In an effort to curb the chaos of Black Friday and to support their own community, Americans were inspired to spend their money locally on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Since then, it’s estimated that over $120 billion has been spent on Small Business Saturday. Supporting local businesses is important now, more than ever, as companies are recovering from losses experienced during the pandemic.


Why Shop Local?

Local purchases stimulate your local economy. Tax dollars go into your community to places you frequent like parks and services. Shopping local also perpetuates the “shop local” cycle. When you give money to small businesses, those businesses turn around and give their money to other small businesses- further stimulating the economy. Shopping local is also better for the environment. Fewer big trucks, fewer steps from producer to consumer, and a better variety in a small place are all benefits to shopping local.  


Don’t Forget the Services.

Buying local goods is a worthy cause. You’re likely getting a better quality product from a company right here in America, putting money into the pockets of your neighbors who- eventually- will put money into the economy and maybe even your business.


But let’s not forget about the services this holiday season! From local courier services like Dallas Courier to local caterers to local maintenance professionals, local services are just as beneficial to the economy as local products. Utilizing local services gives you an opportunity to grow a relationship with your service provider. This leads to more personalized service and a shorter chain of responsibility. At Dallas Courier, it’s important to us that our customers are treated like family. When our customers are a part of our local community, that familial aspect is already present. We live right here in Dallas Fort Worth, and we love to serve our neighbors as your #1 local courier service!


Small business Saturday isn’t just for local producers, it’s for local courier services, as well!


This holiday season, consider hiring your local couriers for your transportation and logistics needs. We offer all the same services as the national corporations, but with enhanced customer service, customized solutions, and fair prices. From food distribution of your favorite holiday foods to specialty creations from local artists to refrigerated shipments of temperature sensitive cargo, Dallas Courier Service is your local courier for the holiday season!


Support your local producers and service providers this Saturday, November 27th on Small Business Saturday!


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