Pandemic Problems Solved With Long Distance Transportation Services

Dallas Courier, Long Distance Transportation Services

After six months of sheltering in place and social distancing, all we want to do is get out of town, right?


While you can’t necessarily fulfill those desires, your cargo still can. In fact, your cargo might have to move - which, during a global pandemic, can be problematic. Out of town transportation providers are here to move your cargo anytime, anywhere. These distance couriers are also solving T&L problems that are becoming visible in the wake of COVID-19.


Long distance transportation services can help your organization solve some of those pandemic-induced problems in your transportation and supply chain logistics.


Consider these recent issues experienced by organizations across the globe, and learn how long distance transportation services are helping to mitigate these issues.


Problem #1: Disrupted Supply Chains

Ah, the great toilet paper crisis of 2020! That one will go down in the books! While we didn’t quite understand the demand for paper products, we do understand the shortage. It was difficult to get some of our basic food and pantry items because of disrupted supply chains.


Factories shut down, distributors told their employees to stay home, and the daily, weekly, or biweekly routes were put on hold. This created a supply chain disruption. We are still having some supply and demand issues here in America, but thanks to the steadfast dedication of transportation professionals, like our Dallas Courier long distance truck drivers, there are fewer disruptions to the supply chain.


With long distance services, items can be move faster and more dependably from one location to another, whether across the state or across the country. With 24 hour services, the supply chain keeps moving even when the rest of the world is asleep. 

Problem #2: Driver Shortages

Between fear and furlough, many drivers weren’t on the job at the beginning of the pandemic. Many still aren’t. However, this isn’t the only contributing factor to driver shortages. Fortunately (and unfortunately) demand has risen. The industry can’t get enough truck drivers on the road to cover the COVID-19 surge in transportation.

What this means is that thriving T&L businesses need to look outside of their current operating space. For Dallas Courier, specifically, it means our long distance transportation services are no longer just meeting the needs of North Texans. Instead, we’re assisting customers across the country, and even throughout North America.

If you’re not operating a T&L business, it means finding a reliable 3PL partner to handle your transportation. Forget finding and training your own drivers and maintaining your own fleet. Hiring a third party transportation provider is the best way to meet your changing transportation needs.


Problem #3: Economic Recovery

Economic recovery post COVID-19 will rely heavily on eCommerce (as if it wasn’t already important enough.) Who better to move those products to the hands of waiting customers than truck drivers? Long distance transportation services quickly deliver products from hubs, distributors, and fulfillment centers to customers across the country.

Truck drivers were essential during the pandemic, and during recovery, they will continue to provide essential services for our country as we rebuild our economy.

Problem #4: Changing Industry Demands

It’s clear that in the wake of COVID-19, certain industries have become more important than ever. Specifically, we’re talking about the healthcare industry and the food and beverage industry. Increase in demand for these services is supported by logistics processes such as long distance transportation.

Dallas Courier, for example, is trained to transport all types of items for industries across the board. With HIPAA, OSHA, and Food Safety training and certification, our couriers can move just about anything, anywhere, any time. The change in demand for certain items and certain industries is easily met by a well rounded, experienced, and knowledgeable transportation team like Dallas Courier.

Long distance transportation services have and will continue to play a huge role in the world’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dallas Courier serves clients across the continental United States. What can we do for your organization? If you’re experiencing a pandemic-induced problem with your transportation and logistics supply chain, it’s likely that our long distance transportation services, or one of our many other offerings, could be the key to recovery for your organization.

Let Dallas Courier assist your business in creating a logistics plan that meets your exact needs at this challenging time in your business’s lifecycle. Contact us today, either through our website, or by calling 972-680-8000. Our drivers are licensed, insured, and trained to handle a variety of cargo. Our team of professionals is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Contact us now!


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