In 2020, The Agile Business Wins the DFW Logistics Race

Dallas Courier, DFW Logistics

Forget slow and steady. In 2020, quick and agile is where it’s at!


With a worldwide pandemic, economic shutdown, and work-from-home business climate, the ability to change with the times, and to do so quickly, is the key to survival here in North Texas and around the globe. If your business doesn’t have agile logistics, you’ll be caught on your heels. 


Managing your own logistics processes right now might be a struggle. Disconnection, furloughs, and reduced business mean there are fewer employees to carry out the tasks required to keep your organization afloat during 2020. It might be time to consider a third party provider for your DFW logistics processes. But if you’re going to hand over your T&L operations, make sure that you’re partnering with a provider that brings agility to your organization.


Look for these characteristics of an agile courier:


24/7 Deliveries

Your logistics processes don’t wait for daylight. Agility means being ready at any time. If your clients need items by morning, or if your company needs product on the road to Austin over the weekend, you need a courier that offers 24/7 deliveries. In a convenience culture, this characteristic is make-or-break!


Live Support and Communicative Drivers

Not only does your courier need to be available 24/7, you need an actual member of the team at your service. It’s not enough to reach a phone tree at 3AM, or a message asking you to call back during regular business hours. Live support, no matter what time of day or night, is proof that your courier is agile enough to take on your T&L in a post-pandemic landscape.


Your transportation team should also be communicative, even during the delivery process. If you have changes to make in route or if you need to get special instructions to your driver, a courier accommodates. Seek a delivery team that keeps constant contact with their drivers, and remains transparent throughout the delivery process so you’re informed every step of the way.


Maintained Vehicles in a Variety of Sizes and Capabilities

It’s tough to remain agile if you can’t move at all. Properly maintained vehicles are a requirement  of successful delivery teams. Deliveries vary and might require large, lift equipped straight trucks, vans, or even compact cars. A well prepared delivery team has a variety of maintained vehicles at their disposal.


Not only should the vehicles be drivable, they need to be properly sanitized. Meeting FDA requirements for sanitary transportation of food and healthcare items is just the beginning. Find out your couriers’ cleaning protocol, especially in the wake of COVID-19.


Commitment to State of the Art Logistics Technology

Lastly, your couriers’ agility will be dependent on their commitment to technology. Not seeing the connection? Consider this: your courier has a cross-town delivery, and a great route that was planned yesterday. But when they get in the road, they discover there’s an accident blocking three lanes on the Tollway. What do they do?


If they’re committed to keeping state of the art tech on board, they contact dispatch, get a new route, and deliver your items on time. If they’re not utilizing the latest tech …well…hopefully you have time to spare!


GPS lets your courier move on streamlined routes, and tracking technology keeps the entire process transparent. If your courier is committed to tech, you’ll know exactly when your items will arrive. No waiting around for a four hour delivery window, only to have a late courier.


Transportation tech also gives customers on-the-go management of logistics. With web and app-based services, clients can schedule deliveries, pay invoices, and manage inventory anytime, from anywhere.


Is your courier agile enough to handle the shockwaves of 2020 or the next decade, for that matter? Dallas Courier is.


For nearly four decades, our couriers have been providing stellar customer service while changing our processes to meet the changing needs of our clients. Throughout the decades, we’ve stayed true to our founding principles of honesty and integrity, remaining DFW’s number one choice for transportation and logistics.


Don’t get left behind in the DFW logistics race. Partner with Dallas Courier and win!


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