Expedited Shipping or Hot Shot Delivery- Which Is It?

Dallas Courier, Expedited Shipping

As a first time customer of Dallas Courier, reviewing a list of our most common services can be overwhelming. This is especially true for folks who don’t have experience in the transportation and logistics industry. For example, a small business operating in a suburb outside of Dallas who is looking to expand their delivery area to other places within and outside of the DFW Metroplex might call our couriers with little or no idea of what they’re looking for.

And that’s ok!

Here at Dallas Courier, we’re proud to serve customers of small and large businesses alike. Whether you’re the head of logistics for a Fortune 500 company with headquarters in DFW, or you’re a one-man shop operating from your home, Dallas Courier is happy to serve. Our experienced professionals can work with you to come up with the just-right solution for your transportation and logistics needs.

That solution just might be moving your items fast. But when you see the services of “expedited shipping” and “hot shot delivery”, you might be wondering: what’s the difference? As it turns out, these transportation solutions are different, and knowing which one works for you at which time could save you money and make more sense for your delivery needs.

What is Expedited Shipping?

Before we go any further, let’s define this service. Expedited shipping has the definition right in its name: expedited. Something that is expedited moves quicker than normal. It’s not really defined further, though. What is expedited for one might not be for another. Sometimes expedited shipping refers to two or three day delivery, while other times it references one day shipping.

Expedited shipping can also go by other names. These include “express”, “fast”, or “rushed”.

In general, expedited shipping will move a little faster and cost you a little more. How fast it moves and how much it costs depends on the courier moving the item and what the item is. Fragile, sensitive items, or items with specific shipping instructions might be a little more costly and take a little longer to reach their final destination. When your transportation company highlights “expedited” options, it pays to get the details.

What About Hot Shot Deliveries?

Hot shot deliveries are actually a form of expedited shipping. The difference is that a hot shot delivery has to move NOW. It doesn’t have time to wait for a two hour, overnight, or 2-day shipping option, as with most expedited deliveries. Hot shot deliveries are reserved for those urgent situations. They can also be used for complicated delivery situations.

Due to these requirements, hot shot shipping is generally more expensive. It requires a driver to stay up late, traverse many miles, or operate on a weekend or holiday. Hot shot shipping is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These types of deliveries are truly an on demand service, but it comes at a cost.

Of course, that cost is worth it when you have pallets of fresh produce that need to move to distributors by tomorrow morning. It’s also worth it when your current courier has a breakdown, and you need a replacement straight truck immediately. In short- a hot shot delivery service is the fastest and most efficient way to move your products.

When Should You Use Expedited VS Hot Shot?

These services still might sound familiar. Both of them offer options to move large items, refrigerated items, and out of town options.  So when is it best to use a hot shot over expedited, or vice versa?

The short answer is when you have a delivery emergency, a hot shot delivery is your best bet. A 24/7 courier can have your items picked up and on their way in 45 minutes or less. Hot shot deliveries should be used for those items that just can’t wait. Healthcare items, refrigerated goods, or perishable foods are all great items to send via a hot shot courier.

You might still have questions, and that’s ok! Our expert delivery team is available to you any time of day or night to help you decide the best course of action for your products. If you’re in need of an urgent delivery, or you just want to discuss the options for your items, call our team at 972.680.800.


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