Expedited Shipping Helps You Sleep Better at Night

It’s beginning to look a lot like summer! Kind of… This week at least… Until next week…


If you’ve been around for a few years, you know that Texas weather can be quite unpredictable this time of year. While it’s technically spring, we often see the temps creep towards that century mark a lot sooner than we’d like to. Humidity hits us. Rainstorms are still in the forecast. We get a peek into summer now and then.


Which means NOW is the time to start getting into some good habits as they relate to your hydration health.


Good habits are tough to form. As Dallas’ favorite expedited shipping provider, we know how important good habits can be as they relate to successful business operations. Dallas Courier is in the habit of hand selecting the finest team members for employees and independent contract couriers. We’re committed to maintained and sanitized vehicles, so we stay ready for every delivery. We make a habit of consulting our expert dispatch team and state of the art software to create the most efficient routes, conserving time, money, and carbon output. We’re also in the habit of keeping honesty and integrity at the forefront of our operations in order to create a positive and lasting relationship with our clients.


Good habits are tough to build, but always worth it.


As we head into the summertime and predictably unpredictable weather, there’s one habit you can get into that will make just about everything in your life better- expect for maybe your logistics operations. Dallas Courier expedited shipping services can help make that better.


Here’s what to do to stay hydrated TONIGHT so you’re ready to work for the next day.


Set the thermostat-

The Sleep Foundation suggests your bedroom needs to be between 60°F and 67° F. Anything over this, and your body is more likely to sweat, causing fluid and electrolyte loss. You’ll also want to reconsider your bedding. Cotton sheets and heavy comforters can also lead to sweating. Instead, opt for microfiber sheets and lighter blankets.


Drink during the day-

Hello, Captain Obvious! Drinking water means you’ll be less dehydrated. But don’t wait until the evening to drink up. This will likely cause trips to the bathroom during the night, interrupting your sleep, leading to even more negative side effects. Instead, find ways to drink more water during the day. Make it a point to take in a few ounces every time you look at your water bottle or pass the water cooler. You can also consume electrolyte-filled foods such as bananas, yogurt, and spinach.

Avoid alcohol at night-

Alcohol has many effects on the body- a few of which are directly related to hydration. Consuming alcohol stops the body from releasing an antidiuretic hormone that helps you sleep all night without having to get up and use the bathroom. That means more interrupted sleep and more trips to the loo. Drinking alcohol also keeps you from drinking other, more hydrating liquids (like water!) The USDA recommends not drinking more than one alcoholic beverage a day. That being said, if you do drink more than one, be mindful of hydrating in between drinks. For every 12 oz of beer or 5 oz of wine, have a full glass of water.


Watch what you eat-

It’s not only about what you drink. Some foods are dehydrating. Salty snacks are dehydrating because they absorb water from your body. The same goes for soy sauce and fried foods. You’ll also want to steer clear of prepackaged foods and frozen meals. Both contain a high amount of sodium, which has the same effect as salt.


How can you get hydrated for tomorrow? Start today! Give your body a hydrated start to the morning with these quick tips.


Speaking of quick tips, don’t forget that the quick expedited shipping providers at Dallas Courier are also working throughout the night to ensure success. Our team is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for scheduled and urgent deliveries. With transportation in as little as 45 minutes, you won’t find a faster, more dependable delivery team than Dallas Courier.


Call us today to get your delivery on the move…fast!


Time Matters. Stay on top of it.


On Time Deliveries in Dallas with the Winning Team of Dallas Courier