Dallas Refrigerated Deliveries and why they matter BIG right now

Ah, Texas summertime. I see you, coming in hot like only you can do. As a born and bred Texan, I’ve been around the block enough times to know the signs of impending heat… we are just a few weeks away from ‘boil an egg on the sidewalk’ hot. Just a few weeks away of that heat that feels like it weighs 100 pounds on your chest. Just a few weeks away from bake cookies on your dashboard (I’ve never done this… but maybe 2023 is the year).

Refrigerated Delivery Services Dallas Fort Worth

Summertime in Texas is known for being hotter than an oven inside a furnace on the surface of the sun. And you know what? I like it. Yes, you read that right. I love that boiling heat because it means endless pool days, snow cones, cookouts, water balloon fights, running through sprinklers and jumping in lakes. Hot summers are quintessential Texas.

I hear plenty of complaining about the heat, and sure, I get it. I guess I’ve just learned to set my expectations at: ‘it’s gonna be brutally hot’ and then make the best of it. I’ve also learned that adjusting to the heat is the way to beat it. And you know where I learned that? Working at Dallas Courier. Hear me out…

We are an expert and trusted logistics and courier service in the heart of DFW. We started out 40 years ago delivering small parcels, legal documents and non-sensitive items like clothing and retail products. Today? We have grown and adapted to our customers’ ever-changing and ever-developing needs. Our customers no longer need architectural drawings delivered across the Metroplex. They have email for that…! But they do need their restaurants supplied with perishable food items that require refrigeration. They do need temperature-sensitive medical specimens delivered daily from clinic to lab.

That’s where we come in: the logistics needs. And the summertime heat doesn’t make logistics needs go away. Summertime is when our refrigerated couriers Dallas gear up. Keeping a reefer at freezing temps in December is far different from keeping a reefer freezing in mid-July. Summertime is when new clients pop up, many with refrigerated needs.

And our skilled team has it covered.

If you need your summertime logistics to beat the heat, contact us today. We’ll get started on a logistics solution that is tailored to you… all year long.


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