Dallas Healthcare Couriers Tackle the Stress of Holiday Season

Oh, the holidays! Even the jolliest of us tends to get their tinsel in a twist at least a few times during the final weeks of the year.


Whether it’s the visit you’ve been dreading from Great Aunt Edna, or the financial mess that can be end of year budgeting, the stress of the holiday season can become overwhelming. It doesn’t have to be, though.


For starters, if your stress comes from seasonal logistics related to your business, Dallas Courier can help! Our drivers and logistics management specialists are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the holiday season. We offer a variety of vehicles, including refrigerated vans and trucks, as well as warehousing services when your stuff needs a little (or a lot) more space.


So, if your stress stems from logistics, let us ease your pain! Call us at 972-680-8000, anytime!


For most folks, though, holiday stress isn’t attributed to work-related events. It comes from a slew of personal issues that tend to bubble up this time of year. The good news is many of these stressors come with solutions. Just like our Dallas healthcare couriers offer unique solutions to medical transportation and logistics processes, they have a few ways to relieve the physical and psychological stress many of our customers are facing.


Here are a few of the most common holiday ailments, and a few ways to soothe the stress that comes along with them:

Poor Diet

Cookies, Christmas ham, candy canes…and those are just the foods that start with “C”! Though the average holiday weight gain is around one pound, the lack of proper diet catches up to you quickly. Eating sugary foods, alcohol, and fatty meals can lead to disrupted sleep, irritability, decreased energy, and lowered immunity.


Of course, our Dallas healthcare couriers would never tell you to forego every Christmas cookie or glass of eggnog that comes your way. Just enjoy in moderation! Aim to get a few servings of veggies and fruits with every meal. You’ll find that focusing on eating well during the holidays will have profound benefits on your physical and mental well-being.


Lack of Exercise

Unless you count “hustle” and “bustle” as aerobics (which, spoiler alert, it can be!), finding time to exercise during the holidays can be tough. Prepping for guests or being a guest in someone else’s home can mess up your regular exercise routine.


However, the best advice our Dallas healthcare couriers can deliver is to make exercise a family activity. Take a walk to see Christmas lights, enjoy a hike in one of our many local parks, or take a fun holiday-themed class at the gym as a group. When you combine friends and fitness, you’re more likely to stick to a routine and help combat the holiday blues that come from reduced serotonin when we skip daily exercise.



This time of year can be emotional for folks. Whether you’re far from loved ones, or you’re dealing with the loss of loved ones, loneliness is an incredibly difficult emotion to harbor during the holidays.


If you find yourself feeling down, consider the fantastic benefits that technology can offer. If you aren’t physically with friends and family over the holidays, schedule a virtual meeting.  Many platforms are free for use, and only require an internet connection. If friends and family aren’t an option for you, try seeking out ways to volunteer in your community. Animal shelters, churches, and outreach programs could really use your help! We know that volunteering can reduce depression and increase positive feelings. Try volunteermatch.org to find an opportunity that works for you.


Overloaded Schedule

The flip side of loneliness can be overwhelming, as well. An overloaded schedule can lead to depression, anxiety, and irritability. Sixty-nine percent of one group polled said that their feelings of stress come from lack of time. Isn’t it funny? When many of us are taking vacation, or experience a lull in work responsibilities, we find our “free” time has been overscheduled?


Of course, if your schedule includes holiday deliveries, our Dallas Courier team has a way to reduce your stress. We’re here 24/7 for your transportation needs. Call us anytime at 972-680-8000. But if your schedule is full of social events, our best advice is to learn the power of “no”.


Protect your peace this holiday season. Decide what events are important to you, and which ones you can gracefully say “no” to. Chances are, your absence won’t be noticed, or your would-be host will understand your desire to spend quality time with your family this holiday season.


The holidays sure can be stressful! But our Dallas healthcare couriers have some great tips to improve your physical and mental health as we round out 2022.


Don’t forget! Our couriers are equipped to handle all kinds of medical deliveries- from pharmaceuticals to patient records- with speed and security. Our refrigerated vehicles and HIPAA certified drivers are available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week throughout the holiday season.


From the Dallas Courier Service family, Merry Christmas!


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