8 Ways To Make The Most Of Your Lunch Break


Dallas Courier’s final mile services drivers work hard. They’re ready 24 hours a day, standing by to make your deliveries hassle free. Whether we’re tracking down a customer in a residential neighborhood on your behalf, or climbing 15 flights of stairs for a business delivery, our couriers ensure that your products get into the hands of your customers, no matter what time of day or night you need assistance.

But even the best have to rest.

When it comes to that lunch break, our couriers know there are so many things you can do in an hour besides just chow down.

As we at Dallas Courier know, every minute in the day counts. Here are some of the best ways to pack a real health punch during your lunch hour:

Take a walk: Just twenty minutes a day can drastically improve your health. Getting a walk in on your lunch hour gives you the chance to decompress from the work day, improving your mood, and even stemming your creativity.

Get in a health check: One of the best things you can do with your hour is get a health check. Whether you’re getting your eyes examined or just seeing your general practitioner, you have no excuse for missing your annual appointments when you make them on your lunch break.

Snooze: Just 40-45 minutes of naptime during the day can boost your alertness by 54%! While our final mile delivery service in Dallas team won’t be napping on the job, we encourage you to take your rest while you can get it.

Catch up on some reading: Getting lost in a good book not only lets you relax, lowering your stress and blood pressure, but it might increase your creativity on the job. You’re exposed to new vocabulary and new situations that you can use at your workplace.

Network: Another great way to make the most of your hour is to get connected with those around you. Set up some lunch meetings and get to know your coworkers or employees from other companies. Foster some mutually beneficial relationships for the hour a day you have free. Oh, and have a little fun, too!

Drop your phone: Take your lunch hour and unplug. Enjoy the company of those around you. The average person spends 4.7 hours on their phone, tapping, talking, and surfing. (And Tweeting @DallasCourier) We’re so connected all day that disconnecting for just an hour will do us all some good.

Join an exercise class: Or start your own! Group fitness is a fun way to get some exercise with your coworkers. Look into starting a lunchtime yoga class in one of your conference rooms, or see who you can talk into joining a spin class during the noon hour.

Eat up: While there are a lot of things to do during our lunch break, you want to make sure you’re refueling your body, as well. Bring your lunch (save some calories and some cash), and go for lean proteins and complex carbohydrates (think: sweet potato and chili) to keep you full all day. Don’t forget to drink up, too. At least 64 ounces of water a day, and more if you’re sweating.

Your time is precious, so why not make the most of it?

Try out some of these ideas for ways to maximize your lunch hour, and then give our final mile couriers in Dallas a call and save yourself even more time! Let our couriers handle your tough customer deliveries. Our Dallas final mile services team is prepared to make that critical final mile hassle- free for you.

Whether you need your products delivered to a business or to a residential area, our couriers are equipped to make your final mile deliveries any time of day or night.


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