Dallas Courier Provides DFW Food Distribution During COVID19

Dallas Courier, DFW Food Distribution

A recent article from TIME magazine brought to light some startling and overlooked effects of COVID 19 on America’s food supply chain by highlighting similarities between the current COVID 19 pandemic and the Great Depression. You can read the article in its entirety here.

The bottom line is that the economy has paralyzed the food chain, but not food production or hungry Americans.

The COVID 19 pandemic, like the Great Depression, impeded the way Americans move food from farms to the tables of families across the country. This concept of broken food distribution chain is disheartening. Just a few years ago, 11 million children were labeled as “food insecure”. In 2020, that number is expected to skyrocket up to 18 million children who aren’t sure where their next meal is coming from. To think that fresh foods are being destroyed because they can’t reach their intended end location is heartbreaking.


When the supply chain is broken, it means there’s an even greater need for food transportation professionals like Dallas Courier. Did you know that couriers like ours can help local and national farms, food distributors, and markets transport the foods they need to keep the food chain secure? This is an incredibly important role we play- helping farmers stay afloat, and keeping food on the table of Americans around the nation.


One of the most prevalent ways Dallas Courier is assisting transportation professionals is through food distribution and redistribution. By offering 24/7 operations, our couriers can offer DFW food distribution at any moment’s notice, which means less food goes to waste, and more customers can enjoy fresh, nutritious meals.


Urgent Food Deliveries in DFW

Scheduled deliveries are available and preferred by most of our clients. Daily, weekly, or biweekly routes ensure fresh foods make it to store shelves on a routine basis, keeping the foods you love on the table whenever you want or need them. However, some of the most important food deliveries Dallas Courier transports are those that arise as an urgent transportation need.


During the COVID 19 pandemic, many restaurants found themselves with a surplus of food that needed to be transported quickly to different locations or even to food banks. Couriers like ours were there to assist.


The pandemic has also created an unstable market. One week, we’re stocking up, as normal, on fresh ground beef, and the next, these staple foods are swept off store shelves. Couriers like ours were also there to assist in additional and urgent shipments of food items like these to ensure North Texans and other Americans had what they needed.


When an urgent need arises, food transportation professionals like ours can ensure a quick pick up with a refrigerated vehicle to maintain food safety during transport from location to location. This helps reduce food waste, and keeps the food supply chain moving smoothly, despite the many threats to upset it.


Food Redistribution During COVID 19

While the current pandemic has created a slew of problems, it has created at least one golden opportunity: redistribution of food to avoid food waste. As evident in the article referenced above by TIME magazine, food waste is a serious byproduct of our current times, but it’s unnecessary.


With the technology and logistics we have available to us today, we can find ways to redistribute food, reducing food waste, and keeping families across America fed nutritiously. One of these methods is food recovery. This is the process by which farmers allow uncollected and unharvested foods to be gathered and redistributed to food banks and other food assistance programs. Food recovery also covers gathering perishable produce from retailers, prepared foods from restaurants, and nonperishable foods from manufacturers and supermarkets.


Could your business assist in the food redistribution process? Contact the USDA or your local food pantry to see if your business can donate to food redistribution during COVID 19.



Let Dallas Courier help your business avoid food waste. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to make your urgent and scheduled food distribution deliveries in DFW and throughout the country. We have temperature controlled vehicles, FDA certified drivers, and we’re fully insured by A-rated providers.


Contact Dallas Courier for your next food distribution delivery in DFW.


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