Dallas Courier: A little trip down July 4th memory lane

Delivery Service Dallas

Would you care to take a little trip with me today? And don’t worry, you don’t have to fill your gas tank (who wants to do that these days!?), leave your house or even put on shoes. This is a journey you can take from the comfort of your coziest chair. It’s a journey down memory lane, one I like to take every year on this celebratory 4th of July weekend. So will you join me? It certain to bring a smile to your face as you remember with me…

Dallas Courier has been the premier delivery service in Dallas for nearly 40 years. We’ve seen it all – from the days of phone orders written down on paper forms to today’s real-time delivery tracking and app ordering. Wow! Time’s have changed. But every so often, our team likes to look back on the old days and remember where we’ve come from. Memories serve a purpose. And for us at Dallas Courier, it reminds us of longevity, of grit, of excellent service, of loyal customers, of awesome team members… that just can’t be beat.

So today, I figured we’d journey down memory lane together in honor of this great country we get to call home. We live here. We work here. We thrive here. And there’s no better time to acknowledge those things than the 4th of July. I asked a few Dallas Courier delivery service Dallas teammates about their favorite 4th of July memories, and here is what I got:

1.       Catching fireflies. Nothing says summertime quite like fireflies lighting up a neighborhood. Those little twinkling bugs somehow shout Americana like nothing else I know. Remember catching them? You had to be on your toes, watching carefully. Then, you had to grab them mid-air without squashing them. The few I did squash… yikes!

2.       Fireworks. Fireworks just have to top everyone’s list of memorable activities. There’s nothing like 4th of July fireworks. It’s the sound of freedom and fun mixing for a delightful feast for the eyes and ears. And if you’ll remember, Dallas Courier works 24/7/365. Deliveries don’t stop. That means come 4th of July, some of our couriers will be making deliveries while the fireworks are going off. And let me tell you – there is sometimes no better vantage point than driving on an overpass, seeing all the fireworks shows throughout DFW. How lucky are we!?

3.       Parades. America is synonymous with celebration. We like to cheer and hoop and holler. Parades do just that, and we love them for it. Kids waving flags, floats rolling by, candy being tossed out by people. Who doesn’t love that?

4.       Face Paint. A childhood favorite, face painting just shouts 4th of July! Remember how refreshing the cold paint felt on a hot July day? All my Texans in the room, say yessssss!

5.       Watermelon seed spitting contests. This one topped the list among our delivery service Dallas teammates. Back in the day, dear children, watermelons used to have seeds! Ha! Not so today. And listen, I’m not begrudging that fact. Seeds are a nuisance. Except when it’s July 4th and you have a family watermelon seed spitting contest. That is just plain Americana fun!

6.       Red, white and blue. I love walking through stores and seeing all of the red, white and blue. It’s festive and celebratory all while reminding me of those who have defended and will defend our freedoms. And if you notice, our Dallas Courier logo is red and blue – very purposefully.

Here’s to the 4th of July! Enjoy the memories from your childhood, make new memories and celebrate this great country we all get to live and work in! From our delivery service Dallas team to you – let freedom ring!


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