Connect Work From Home Employees with Custom Dallas Deliveries

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After a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are finally heading back to the office…or not!


Many organizations have adopted the work from home method for good. They’re finding that employees are more productive, happier, and cost the organization less money when they aren’t present en masse in a centralized location. These are all great reasons to allow your team members to work from home, but the real challenge comes in keeping them all connected.


For nearly a year, Dallas Courier has been changing our delivery services to meet the needs of employees working remotely. We’re offering options for keeping employees connected to the main office, no matter where they’re located.


Here are just a few of the ways we’re working to keep your organization unified during a time of incredible ongoing isolation.


New Hire Deliveries

If you’re blessed to hire new blood, you’re going to need to get those employees set up with your company’s equipment. Computers, communication, and even handbooks- the items necessary for your new employees require a fast and secure delivery.


Unfortunately, during COVID, there are also businesses who need assistance with employee termination. While your HR department will be in charge of notifying and setting up the delivery schedule, our couriers can retrieve equipment, office items, and even proprietary company materials. With same day delivery and tracking from start to finish, you can rest easy knowing your items will be returned promptly.


Sensitive Documents for Interoffice Delivery

Contracts, employment paperwork, even the boss’s birthday card. If you have confidential documents (or even not-so-confidential) that need to be passed around the office, then we have a custom Dallas delivery for you!

Whether it’s just for fun or an integral part of your organization, Dallas Courier service can transport your sensitive documents from employee to employee. From downtown to the ‘burbs, our couriers can create a custom route based on your employees’ locations. We’ll also ensure the security and confidentiality of your documents while it’s in route.

Fast, Same Day Deliveries

Forgot a presentation? Need to move materials for a prototype across town? Dallas Courier has fast same day deliveries for all those last minute transportation needs as you navigate the work from home life. Custom Dallas deliveries mean your items, no matter what they are, move when you need them to move- often in as little as 45 minutes.

These days you can’t just run down the hall to drop off a forgotten item. But don’t worry, Dallas Courier can run downtown for you, instead!

Scheduled Delivery Routes

We could all use a few less things to worry about. With scheduled delivery routes, you needn’t be concerned with those frequent deliveries or repeat transportation needs. You also don’t have to farm out employees from the office to make deliveries on behalf of your organization.

Instead, our dedicated team of professionals will handle those daily, weekly, or biweekly routes on behalf of your business, serving your clients. Our drivers wear PPE, drive sanitized vehicles, and offer contactless delivery options. If your employees are staying at home to pursue social distancing, then scheduled delivery routes be our Dallas Courier team at the perfect solution for your scheduled transportation needs.

Employee Parties

Just because employees are working from home doesn’t mean they have to miss out on team building and celebrations. In the COVID-19 age, employee parties have a “together but separate” vibe that we’re digging. Our couriers are here to deliver food and fun to your employees on your behalf. All that’s left to figure out is a way to keep Karen on mute during the Zoom call. (However, that’s one thing we won’t pretend to understand!)


Dallas Courier keeps you connected while you’re working apart.

From home delivery routes to technology deliveries, the Dallas Courier team is here to make your at home corporate deliveries streamlined and secure. Give us a call today to discuss your specific delivery needs on your custom Dallas deliveries.


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