Bottom Line: Our Couriers in Dallas Make Financial Sense

Not much makes financial sense these days. The fact that the same bag of groceries from 18 months ago costs 14% more than it does now is nonsensical. Same food. Same place. Higher price. No sense. At this point, it’s best not to feign understanding, but there is one thing that is easy to understand about financial sense:


Hiring our couriers in Dallas protects your bottom line.


Perhaps you’re unconvinced. Maybe your business thinks, “We’re a small business, we don’t need to outsource our transportation. We have employees who can take care of that.” Believe us, we’ve heard that before. However, we’ve also heard the horror stories. Workers comp claims. Late deliveries. Federal fines. (Oh my!) 

If your business utilizes transportation in any way- from supply delivery to machine movement to final product shipment- YOU could use a courier in Dallas. Not only could you use our services, partnering with Dallas Courier makes financial sense.


Let’s talk bottom line, meaning, Dallas Courier protects YOUR bottom line. Here’s how:


Fair, accurate quotes. From the beginning, when you partner with Dallas Courier Service, you’re treated to fair, accurate quotes for service. When you request a quote from Dallas Courier, whether conveniently on our website here, or over the phone, you can count on two things: one, that your quote will be fair. It won’t be the cheapest quote you’ll find in the Metroplex. But do you really want that? You get what you pay for, after all! Two, you can count on your quote being accurate. No bait and switch here! Our up front and transparent pricing is appreciate by clients because there’s no unpleasant surprises- only surprisingly great quality and care!


Correct, on time deliveries. Correct and on time deliveries equates directly to your bottom line. Inaccurate or late products mean you’re paying the cost of the original shipment plus the reparations cost. Oh, and good luck with repeat business! Having the right courier deliver the right product at the right time means you’re paying once for great service, and winning repeat business in the process. In a city that spans nearly 10,000 square miles with 7.6 million residents, we’re able to move product anywhere to anyone with a 97.5% on time rate. For truck and scheduled deliveries, that rate is even higher.


Zero damage. If you thought a late courier was bad, consider what happens when damage occurs during shipment. It’s not a great way to build happy customers. Dallas Courier knows this, and that’s why we’re so committed to zero damages for every delivery. For example, each year, our freight claims are nearly zero. That means almost 100% of our loads arrive with absolutely no damage. How’s that for consistency and care?


All deliveries under one roof. How does having all services under one roof protect your bottom line? Here is just one of the many reasons: having the same courier perform numerous services allows you to create a customized logistics plan, paying only for what you need. That unique plan is suited perfectly to your organization, saving you time and money when compared to working with other Big Name logistics providers.


Fantastic front-line customer service. At Eagle Express, we recognize your customers as our customers. When you have happy customers, we win your business. Our drivers act like front line customer service. We’ll do what it takes to make the delivery experience as smooth and as positive as possible. Our hand selected and uniformed delivery team makes a great first impression, and we believe our commitment to caring for your cargo speaks volumes, as well. Satisfied customers means repeat business. That’s good for everyone.



Thinking about hiring couriers in Dallas for your urgent and scheduled deliveries? It just makes sense.


In times like these, you can’t afford to make shotty financial decisions. Dallas Courier Service is your #1 choice for protecting your cargo and your bottom line. With our commitment to care and success, we’re confident you’ll see the benefits of outsourcing your logistics to our couriers in Dallas Fort Worth.


You can’t afford to miss out on a partnership with Dallas Courier Service! Give us a call today at 972-680-8000.


Christmas in July and why the merry matters at Dallas Courier


Choosing the Best in Dallas Delivery Logistics