Refrigerated Logistics Services in Dallas: Hello, Cold Weather!

Refrigerated Logistics Dallas Fort Worth

As a Dallas native, I have to say – I will never ever get used to the random cold snaps that North Texas gets each year. I’m used to the massive thunderstorms that seem to pop up out of nowhere. I’m used to the random 85 degree Christmas days that we enjoy. I’m used to summers that cruise 40 straight days of 100+ temps. But the freezing temps – nope, never!

I vividly remember in my teens there being a huge cold snap (much like the one we are in right now) that kept everyone home from school for days on end. It was fun, of course, running around the neighborhood having snowball fights and hot chocolate at every single friend’s house. But reality is, Texans aren’t built for the cold. We don’t have the gear – my kids think glove LINERS are actually gloves (they find out quickly when they actually touch snow and suddenly have a very wet paw). We don’t have the right coats, the right warm layers, the right city infrastructure to clean the roads – we are hot weather people and getting cold weather always proves it.

Can I tell you who is ready for the cold temps in our office? Our refrigerated logistics services in Dallas team! These temperatures are common for their day in and day out.

I figured with the cold weather, its an ideal time to highlight a team that some don’t even know we have! Our refrigerated deliveries Dallas and Fort Worth team is a critical part of the Dallas Courier family. Because we believe in excellent service, we believe in providing a wide variety of options for our customers. That means temperature-controlled deliveries were a must-have service in our book.

In our early days, our refrigerated delivery services were small-scale. Fast forward 40 years and you’ll see that today, we offer it all:

  • Ambient, chilled, refrigerated, and frozen options

  • Refrigerated deliveries throughout DFW, Texas and beyond!

  • Vehicle for all loads, including small samples, packages, and up to 12 pallets per truck

  • Tri Temperature loads available 

  • Temperature range from 77 to minus 13 degrees Fahrenheit

  • Single or multi-drop deliveries available

  • Deliveries can be sealed for security

  • Drivers available 24/7/365

And here’s something else we offer: warehousing. When you’re moving items, you often need a holding place between pick-up and drop-off. That’s where Dallas Courier’s warehousing service becomes your new best friend. Conveniently located in the heart of Dallas, we will pick-up, store and delivery whatever you need, no matter the size, no matter the temperature requirements.

Call us today, and put your sensitive deliveries in safe, local, secure hands.


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